martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Dia De L'aigua

1.- Col·loca dos botelles plenes dins de la cisterna i estalviaràs de 2 a 4 litres cada vegada que la uses. No empres el vàter com a paperera.

2.- Tanca l'aixeta al llavar-te les dents o afaitar-te, pots estalviar fins a 10 l.
3.- Dutxa't en compte de banyar-te, estalviaràs 150 l.
4.- Arregla amb urgència les avaries d'aixetes i canonades. Un aixeta que goteja perd 30 l. diaris.
5.- Rega a poqueta nit per a evitar pèrdues per evaporació  les plantes t'ho agrairan !

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

my profile

                                                              MY PROFILE
                                                               My name is antonio.

                                                               I am 13 years old.

                                                               My birthday is in desember.

                                                               I live in Javea.
                                                               I like meeting my friends.

                                                               I like playing football and basketball.

                                                              my favourite food is pasta.
                                                              I like playing videogames.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

David de Gea Quintana


On September 30, 2009 debut thanks to injury of goalkeeper equipment...

 He is currently the goalkeeper at Copa del Rey matches and La Liga Atletico Madrid, having removed his title to the star signing of the summer of 2009 the club mattress, Sergio Asenjo.

De Gea was part of the Spanish team was champion of the UEFA European Under-17 and runner-up U-17 World Cup 2007. On May 10, 2010, Vicente del Bosque as included in the shortlist of 30 players who could represent Spain...